I have two names.
A lot of us do.

I grew up differently, but was taught to blend in. I learned early on that there was a disadvantage to my name, and a disadvantage to my face. Because I looked differently and spoke differently, I was always one step behind. So I made a second name.

I have two names but they’re both equally mine. My Chinese name means “treasure”, and creates discomfort in the stranger struggling to pronounce it. My American name means even opportunity, and that I’d rather not make others uncomfortable. But right now is a moment to be uncomfortable. Right now is the time to have difficult conversations.

We are raised in a society of biases and quick judgements. Sexism. Racism. Homophobia. Growing economic inequality. We see these problems extend into the homes we live in, the jobs we apply for, our health and safety. Somewhere down the line, we allowed this to happen. We forgot our voices. We took up less space. We lost pride in our names.

This project started as a space for storytellers and listeners. As humans, we are full of complexities and intricacies uniquely our own. We’re capable of connection and creation, but to do so requires a conversation, and to converse requires an introduction. I wanted to create a space for introductions. That’s what led me here.